Sniply for Content Publishers

September 29, 2014

There are 3 key components in the content ecosystem: publisher, distributor, and reader. In the online world, the reader is often times also the distributor. When you read something you like and share it, you become a distributor of the publisher’s content.

Incentivized Sharing

Sniply is a great form of incentivized sharing. Before Sniply, readers had relatively little reasons to distribute content; the publisher reaps all the benefits and the distributors had relatively little to gain. When readers can benefit from becoming a distributor, which is what Sniply enables, they’re much more likely to do so.

More sharing means more exposure for published content. Sniply creates value-alignment between the publisher and the distributor, which really fuels the growth of online content and creates a win-win situation.

Earned Promotion

Sniply introduces the whole new concept of “earned promotion”. Since Sniply doesn’t alter the original page, only the people you drive to the site will see your message. You have to “earn” your exposure by working to drive traffic to the publisher’s content in order to gain the exposure. Hence, instead of disrupting the publishing business, Sniply actually enhances it. With Sniply, publishers give up nothing in exchange for more traffic to their content.

Shared Benefits

The entire publishing business relies on distributors to spread their content to as many readers as possible. Distribution leads to traffic, traffic leads to eyeballs, and eyeballs lead to advertising revenue.

Without Sniply, distributors are expected to distribute content for free, with no benefits to the distributors whatsoever. Imagine a company with a team of volunteer salespeople—that’s what the industry has been like for a long time. Sniply provides the opportunity for distributors to be rewarded for their work, which leads to more sharing and a healthier ecosystem overall.

This guide is part of a series—also check out:

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