CTA Popup Maker for Agencies and Marketers
Compel your audience and your outbound link’s audience to take some sort of action that leads them to your brand. Drive them back to your site with a shortened link and custom CTA popup.

Customized CTA lead to a marketing goals
Marketers use Sniply in many different ways. In social media, every shared article url is shortened with Sniply and a CTA is added to the page. In content curation, every outbound link has a CTA when the page is opened. You can bring back the audience to your brand’s website with every CTA, and each of the Call-To-Action(CTA) Types can lead to a certain result.
Increase Returning Users

CTA Button – prompt users to a certain page, such as a product page relevant to the external link. This acts like a pop-up. This drives targeted traffic back to your website and increases returning users, who have a 75% higher chance of converting and making a purchase.
Cut Down Time-to-Convert

CTA Form – an opt-in form for email marketing. This CTA can bring more qualified customers faster down your marketing funnel from an external page. It saves visitors a step and cuts down on time-to-convert.
Increase brand awareness

CTA with Text – a message with hyperlinked call-to-action words. This increases brand awareness of the brand.
Capture Attention Better

CTA with Images – a banner image captures attention better. When it catches users’ eyes and they click it, they can be led back to your website to a page relevant to the image. For example, a banner image, that announces a new sale for 20% off, leads to a page with items on sale.
Use Sniply to drive back traffic from any outbound link
With Sniply, you get more return on the links that you share. Every shortened link with a CTA turns every user, that clicks on the CTA popup, into a conversion. Shorten the customer journey by converting with the popup maker. Simplify the buyer’s journey from another site’s page to a conversion. Manage your links and conversions through Sniply.

Add a call-to-action to every link you share.
Join 100,000+ marketers and drive conversions through content curation.
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