Custom Link Shortener with Embedded CTA Button
Sniply is a custom URL shortener that allows you to add a personalized CTA to each blog post, article, or webpage you share. Customize your own CTA on any URL you share and redirect traffic back to your site in style. Sign up for a free trial to see how you can supercharge your own custom links.

More than just a URL Shortener
Sniply is more than just a short URL generator. You can customize each of your Sniply short link CTAs to fit your brand’s style. Tailor the color, design, placement, custom shortlink, and domain for each of your short link CTAs. Use these custom URL shortener features to group CTAs by campaign, run A/B tests, create contrast on your shared sites, or simply style your CTAs to match your brand’s flair.
Custom Themes

Sniply’s custom link shortener and tracker lets you see how users interact with your custom URLs and CTAs. The dashboard has a number of different call-to-action templates to choose from to make your URL’s CTA the perfect fit for your target audience and current marketing strategy based on how they interact with your links.
Custom Colors

Sniply’s custom URL shortener allows you to tailor the design of your Snips to match or complement your own brand colors. Choose any colors you desire for each of your CTA messages you add to shared URLs.
Custom Position

Choose the position of where your custom link’s CTA message appears on the landing page. With Sniply’s customized URL shortener tools you can choose which part of a page you want your CTA to appear to flow better with a page’s outline and design.
Custom Domain

Our custom URL shortener allows you to customize the way your short links appear by connecting your own custom domain URL. Custom domains give you full control over how your custom links appear on the page.
Custom Shortlink

Full URL shortener customization. Easily create short links and customize the way your Sniply URLs appear by writing your own custom shortlink. Use the text of the shortlink to add an additional message or contextual keywords to help you better organize your custom URL campaigns.
Sniply Call-to-Action Types
CTA Buttons

Include custom CTA buttons embedded on each page you share to drive visitors to your website. These buttons are great for linking to a resource, increasing awareness for your social network accounts, and more.
CTA Forms

Attach an email capture form so visitors who click on your call-to-action in the article you shared can easily sign up for your mailing list while reading the post. This kind of “register” call-to-action button saves visitors a step and cuts down on time-to-convert.
CTA with Text

Sometimes the best call-to-action is the simplest. Attach your custom hyperlinked call-to-action words that visitors can click on to visit your website.
CTA Images

Attach your own custom banner image as a call-to-action graphic that visitors can click on to visit your website or any page you wish.

Still a Standard URL Shortener Too
What makes Sniply the best custom URL shortener?
Sniply is the best custom link shortener for serious sharers because it allows you to track, test, and engage with your followers when you shorten links and share content. More robust than a free custom URL shortener, Sniply’s link shortening and tracking features allow you to observe how your readers are engaging with any short URL link you share. Track the link analytics of each of your custom URLs such as link clicks, conversion rates, and more. Using that information, A/B test custom links and optimize your campaigns based on performance. Other URL shorteners stop at the shortlink, Sniply gives you full control.

Add a call-to-action to every link you share.
Join 100,000+ marketers and drive conversions through content curation.
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