What is Feedly?
Feedly is a content-curation and suggestion tool. Simply search a topic and start finding interesting, relevant articles on that topic. Feedly takes content from over 40 million sources and provides only the best content to readers. The share functionality makes it simple to post interesting stories to your social media profiles. With Sniply, you can use Feedly to share articles and earn conversions on top of it!

Using RSS Feeds
Feedly uses RSS to source all of its content. With Sniply’s RSS feature, you can put Sniply links into Feedly collections so that you can share Snips right from inside Feedly, without having to do any manual work. All you need to do is find the RSS feeds for your favorite sites and then plug them into Sniply. Sniply will give you output feeds, which you can plug into Feedly by placing the output feed URL into the search bar. Then you can use Feedly just as you normally would, but you will be sharing Sniply links instead of plain-old, boring links.

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