Why Integrate With Facebook?
Facebook can be a major source of traffic for your website, blog or business. But you won’t be able to drive traffic to your site by constantly posting links to your homepage. Sniply allows you to share links to content that isn’t necessarily on your site while still gaining the opportunity to generate conversions. Sniply makes this super easy, you won’t have to change how you post links at all!

Integrate Using Our Chrome Extension
Sniply has browser extensions that allow you to Snip links as you are posting to Facebook. Once you’ve installed one of the extensions, you’ll see Sniply embedded directly into the sharing experience, ready when you are. If you want, you can activate the optional AutoSnip feature (off by default). AutoSnip will automatically Snip any links you share by posting on Facebook. This means that you can add Sniply messages to all your Facebook links without having to come back to our website every single time! Whenever you paste a link into the status bar on Facebook, Sniply will automatically Snip the link.

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