Automating Sharing With
Get More Conversions Sharing Through Content Feeds

What is provides bloggers, publishers and brands a way to instantly syndicate content and expand their reach on the social web and into new channels. The included tools make it easy to manage and measure the flow of your content everywhere your audience is. publishes your media, your blogs, and all the rest of your content to your social channels, ensuring your audience sees it instantly. With the Sniply integration, you can add your call-to-action to all of this content automatically, giving you the opportunity to generate new conversions.

Using RSS Feeds uses RSS to send content to your social media channels as it is created. With Sniply’s RSS feature, you can put Sniply links into these feeds so that you can share Snips just as you would normally share using All you need to do is find the RSS feeds for your blog or favorite sites and then plug those feeds into Sniply. Sniply will give you output feeds, which you can plug into as new sources. will then post Sniply links with your call-to-action instead of plain-old, boring links.

Add a call-to-action to every link you share.
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