5 Reasons Content Marketing is a Win-Win
March 12, 2021What if we lived in a world, a bubble, where we didn’t know what was happening outside? We’re constantly shown stuff that we don’t care, and it has no effect on us. Wouldn’t life be boring that way?
Now comes content marketing, pushing all these pieces of content in our faces that are – interestingly enough – of value to us. We see this every day, and many of us don’t actually realize or stop to think about the purpose of it. Now becoming a prominent component of the business landscape, content marketing is everywhere when we turn our heads and even found in the online world. It’s almost like a new space that marketers have infiltrated to get their messages out.
Pushing Social says it best, “Storytelling for Sales.” Through all these layers of content that’s being shared to us, articles, blogs, and videos, there is one last layer standing. That is, getting sales and driving traffic to the creator of the content. Content marketers are constantly pushing new stuff out and consumers (like me) are absorbing it. I believe that the coolest part of content marketing is the value that is delivered and how it’s beneficial for the company brand. Some content is quickly shared while other content will never see the light again. Below, I’ve outlined 5 reasons why content marketing adds value to businesses and the consumers:

1. Branding: This isn’t something new. For centuries organizations have been creating a certain brand they want to resonate with their target market by launching various marketing strategies. If that company had a certain target audience they wanted to cater to, they would make sure the content attracts them. Content marketing is revolutionizing the way businesses brand themselves. One minute you see an article about the ‘benefits of social media’ and the next minute you’ll notice they’ve posted a funny picture that made you laugh. Consumers are often engaged to a certain extent with the brand building and it follows the company. It also helps them recognize the brands they want to align with and prefer. Using Sniply’s branded links furthers that connection as well, keeping the branding consistent both before and after customers click your links.
2. Sharing content: When companies share something they think is cool, you (consumer) either think “That’s amazing!” or “I don’t really care, next.” Each person is unique, and thus the reaction to each piece of content is different. The benefit of sharing online is that you, as a business, reach a wide audience while incurring very low expenses. On the consumers’ side, you get the benefit of viewing new stuff that you didn’t know and you can even share it with your buddies!
3. Learning more: This point was sort of my thought as to why content marketing is good. Both sides essentially benefit from sharing content. When the company decides to engage in content marketing they “retweet” or share content. Consumers will (or not) take notice and read further into the information. Content will either be accepted or rejected, but at least there’s knowledge being spread!
4. Building relationships: Probably the 2nd most important aspect of content marketing or marketing in general, is to build connections with consumers. Some companies lament gravely whenever bridges are burnt with their consumers. Here at Sniply, we take care of our relationships with our users and reply to any questions they have. We want to keep those relationships and reach out to users whenever they voice their opinion. Content Marketing Institute says that you should treat your market as a community. It’s so crucial that as a business, you want those relationships to continue and build that close-knit community. When you see a problem your community is facing, share content that answers it. As a consumer, knowing that the company is trying its best to build the bridge is a good indicator that you can reach out to them one day if you’re stumped on something.
5. Creating value: At its finest, marketing is about delivering value to their audience (community). Content marketing is about pushing relevant, useful content that will benefit everyone: knowledge, a good laugh, even a smile. What’s so great about content marketing is that you can share articles and posts, and you have that fuzzy feeling knowing that you accomplished your mission if someone learned something from your post. The intrinsic value of any post is judged by each individual person. Understand this, even if you’re promoting your brand people won’t mind if you’re sharing content that is meaningful to them and adds value to their time.